facebook Challenge Your Brand | Bklyn Custom Designs™

Struggle Site Rescue™ Website Audit Bootcamp

Make Your Website Your BEST Sales Person!


Create Content Worth Sharing

Challenge Your Brand

Struggling to maintain a branding strategy for your business? Check out our blogging & email list challenges below.

Without a game plan you're bound to waste time spinning your wheels. Spend your time productively so you can focus on profitable goals using personalized strategies. Minimize the stress in your business life & challenge your brand today

Join one of our Brand Misfits Challenges today and challenge your brand
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Not A Writer?

Most Solopreneurs and local business owners aren't, but they also don't realize the importance of having and maintaining a blog.

Launching your blog doesn't have to be messy or a drawn-out process.

This 30-day blog challenge will help you learn how to get things done without feeling overwhelmed.

Implementing a blog on your website will not only help you maintain an active website but will also help you brand yourself and build your brand by sharing your expertise with your visitors.

BU / Boss Up

Still Have a dry blog?

Boss Up Your Blog

Blogging doesn't have to be boring or complicated. Creating content helps get your brand recognition. Let's do it the right way together!

Build up a blog worth sharing & drawing attention to. Let your content showcase why people should trust that you know what you're talking about.

Boss Up Your Blog Includes:
– 30-Day Email & Blog Updates
– Blog Analysis
– Blogging Checklist
– Content Audit Checklist
– Brand Misfit Pop-Up Community Access (Slack)

Challenge Your Brand's Blog

We avoid randomness and focus on your needs over desires when it comes to helping you figure out if your website is structured to operate and function as it should.

Not Clear What to Email?

When I first started my business in 2014, I didn't know how much to believe about what it took to build a successful business through an online platform.

Like many of you, I didn't realize how valuable building my connections through email was. I was taking my list for granted and not learning how to transform it into an asset.

Consultant working on her company blog with help from Bklyn Custom Designs

Heck, how hard could it be? Folks talked about the tons of subbies they got all in under three to six months with one or two created, cultivated, and shared content and *POOF* all these folks flew on their list.

Little did I realize the missing puzzle pieces in those tales – all the hard work of marketing and pimping the hell out of said content.

Marketing was never an easy thing for me, but I had to learn; learn to stop fearing failure, learn to fail quickly, and learn to allow failure to help me shape my brand and create the clientele and business I wanted.

To get better and learn how to market, I needed to learn what to market and how to use my Blog articles, networks, services, and products to attract them and build relationships.

Build Your Email Community

From List To Asset

Networking with the right people can help you grow your business 1000%!

It's no secret that your email list is your bread & butter, especially as a Solopreneur. Now it's time to treat it like the asset it it. Learn how to transform from list to asset today!

From List to Asset Includes:
– 30-Day Email & Blog Updates
– Email Strategy Analysis
– Email List Building Checklist
– Brand Misfit Pop-Up Community Access (Slack)

LA / List to Asset

Your blog & email list don't have to be the same ol' repeat of the past.

Whatever you do, just stop wasting time talking yourself out of creating an ever-changing, updating platform that will help you build an awesome audience who are ready to hear directly from you & learn from you too.

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Bklyn Custom Designs: Born, Raised, & in Brooklyn, NY!

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Booked-out & exhausted with 1:1 sessions?

Take back your time & learn how to create evergreen opportunities with your website!

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