facebook Simplified TechFlow™ Replay & Resource | Bklyn Custom Designs™

Struggle Site Rescue™ Website Audit & Revive Summit

Make Your Website Your BEST Sales Person!


Catch the Replay Below

Thank you for registering for the Simplified TechFlow™ training! 

Be sure to:

Step 1: Leave your biggest takeaways in The Anti-Struggle Life™ FB Group

Step 2: Share your testimonial & feedback here with us:
Simplified TechFlow™ Testimonials

Step 3: Complete your Checklist & take action! This will set you, your business, & your brand up for success.

Step 4: Check out some of our The Anti-Struggle Life™ Resources below to get your mind and creativity flowing!

Let's Connect On Social

Simplified TechFlow™ Guide

If you haven't already, download your checklist guide here. You this to track what you need to consider as you create & work your way through your Brand, Tech, & Marketing strategies.

Simplified TechFlow™ Tech Strategy Chart

Grab this Brand Tech Implementation Strategy Process Chart so you see the infinite cycle your brand, tech, & marketing go through. There is always room for process improvement.

Share Your Simplified TechFlow™ Testimonial

Don't leave me hangin'! Share with me, and the world, how much you enjoyed the training. I'm also open to feedback on how to improve the training & value. 💖💖

The Anti-Struggle Life™ Resources

The Brand Misfit™. Web Architect. Whiskey Lover.

Heey, I'm Charlene — nice to meet you

If you want to launch a website that aligns with your business & brand seamlessly without the tech stress, you're in the right place.

  • 2+ decades in tech.
  • WordPress Specialist for over 19 years.
  • Masters in Business Management with IT Organization.
  • PhD candidate for Technology Management & Implementation.

Guiding & supporting businesses to launch websites that ensure sustainability by using credibility to build online visibility is my passion & my mission.

© 2014 - 2024 Bklyn Custom Designs | All Rights Reserved.

Bklyn Custom Designs: Born, Raised, & in Brooklyn, NY!

Yo, can't copy the content of this site.


Register for the Intensive Now

Booked-out & exhausted with 1:1 sessions?

Take back your time & learn how to create evergreen opportunities with your website!

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