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Reasons Why Your Website Traffic Is Trash and Solutions

updated 2024-03-23
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You pulled out all the stops and got a website up and running with the help of wordpress.com, Squarespace, or Wix. Threw some Amazon affiliation links up. Gathered some pictures, and even wrote some information up on your site. You're proud. Ecstatic even! Shucks, you even have products to sell. But alas. All you here are…


You're monitoring your page views. Learned all about Google stats, yet you don't know what's wrong? Your SEO is even impressive – at least, that's what your plug-ins tell you. You've got all green lights and your loading time is damn near spectacular. So what the heck gives?

One question you could ask yourself is who the heck knows about your website? Heck, who knows that your business even exists? An even better and more important question: Why should they give two hoots and a bag of cookies about you or your brand? What purpose do you serve in their lives? That may be one of the single most important questions you will ever ask yourself about your brand.

Having a website is crucial for establishing your brand's presence and reaching potential customers. However, simply having a website isn't enough to attract traffic and drive sales. We will discuss why your website traffic may be low and give you strategies to improve it.

Understanding the Root Cause: A Critical Assessment

You've invested time and resources into building your website, but despite your efforts, traffic remains stagnant. So, what could be the underlying issue? Many people mistakenly believe that simply having a visually appealing website with a few affiliate links is all it takes to attract visitors. However, the reality is far more complex. To find out why your traffic is low, you need to analyze your website's performance, SEO strategy, and overall value.

Understanding the Purpose of Website Traffic: A Blueprint for Effective Audience Engagement

Understanding the purpose behind your marketing efforts is similar to laying the foundation for a successful business venture. It's not merely about broadcasting your message to the masses but rather about forging meaningful connections with your target audience. To engage with your audience, understand who they are and what they want. To understand your target audience better and develop a strategy, you need to gather information about their demographics, preferences, problems, and goals. This will help you make informed decisions.

By gaining a comprehensive understanding of your audience, you unlock the key to unlocking their hearts and minds. Armed with this knowledge, you can tailor your messaging, offerings, and channels to resonate with their unique needs and preferences. You can build trust and deliver value by using personalized emails, targeted social media campaigns, or informative blog posts. Your audience serves as a compass for your brand, guiding it through the fierce competition towards the path of success.

However, the pursuit of profit should never overshadow the pursuit of purpose. Making money is important for any business, but it should not compromise authenticity and relevance. Focusing only on making money from clicks without meeting your audience's needs is like building a house on unstable ground – it will eventually fall apart. Instead, prioritize creating genuine connections, providing valuable resources, and fostering a sense of community. By doing this, you can attract visitors to your website and build a loyal audience that will support your brand for a long time.

Misfit Entrepreneur™ worris about her website traffic

Join Local Business Organizations & Associations

It can be easy to overlook the benefits of joining their local business community, including merchants and the Better Business Bureau. Small Business Association and LinkedIn are two great places to find opportunities to join local groups. I found a great association that I am now a proud member of, National Association of Professional Women, through LinkedIn!

Being a member will not only let your fellow Solopreneurs become aware of you, your brand, and your website. Joining these organizations can help you discover new ideas and tools to improve your visibility and profitability.

Navigating the SEO Maze: A Roadmap to Success

We've mentioned this before, but Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is crucial for the success of many websites. A new industry has emerged where people are hired to improve websites and site submissions to enhance their ranking on search engines.

Ideally, you should submit to various directories yourself and use proven tips and hints mentioned; but if you are not Internet Savvy it might be worth paying a pro to assist you. Know your audience and understand their online behavior to create and promote the content they desire.

While your website may boast impressive SEO scores and lightning-fast loading times, these metrics alone won't guarantee high traffic volumes. Effective SEO goes beyond technical optimization; it's about crafting content that resonates with your target audience and addresses their needs. To improve your website's visibility and get more organic traffic from search engines, you should reassess your SEO strategy. Pay attention to user intent, do thorough keyword research, and ensure high-quality content.

Broadening Your Horizons: Beyond SEO for Traffic Growth

Although SEO holds significant sway in driving organic traffic to your website, it's imperative to recognize that it's just one facet of a multifaceted strategy. To truly amplify your website's reach and attract a diverse audience, adopting a holistic approach to traffic generation is paramount. One avenue to explore is the realm of offline networking through participation in local business organizations and associations. These platforms provide invaluable opportunities to connect with fellow entrepreneurs, tap into local markets, and establish your brand presence within the community. By forging real-world connections and fostering collaborative relationships, you can effectively extend your reach beyond the confines of the digital landscape.

In addition to offline endeavors, leveraging the power of social media platforms can yield remarkable results in driving traffic and engagement. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn offer expansive reach and diverse audience demographics, making them fertile ground for cultivating brand awareness and attracting quality traffic. Consider hosting contests, giveaways, or interactive campaigns to captivate your audience's attention and encourage active participation. These initiatives not only generate buzz around your brand but also foster meaningful engagement and build rapport with your audience. Moreover, by tapping into the viral nature of social media, you can amplify your message and reach new audiences organically.

The landscape of digital marketing is dynamic and ever-evolving, presenting endless opportunities for innovation and exploration. To stay ahead of the curve and continually expand your reach, it's essential to diversify your traffic sources and remain proactive in your marketing efforts. Explore emerging trends, experiment with new platforms and technologies, and remain receptive to feedback from your audience. By embracing a spirit of curiosity and adaptability, you can uncover untapped opportunities for growth and position your brand for long-term success in the digital realm.

Article Submissions Help

There are billions of people on the Internet every day. In today's business environment, it has become vital to participate in other websites with a similar interest to yours. Brands have to actively post articles and stories and remember to include links and references back to their website.

All this adds up to become amazing free advertising for you!

To increase website traffic, start by posting articles to article directories in the article management system. That's really one of the most free ways to increase web traffic. The most important thing is that you have to post your articles to different websites. Not just one! When people see your well-written and highly informative articles, they want more. As they want more, they will decide to visit your website and share your article links.

Give Away Valuable Freebies & Host Contests

Create your own variation of a customer rewards program. Hosting a contest, i.e. a $100 grand prize Promote Our Brand video where you get the rights to all submitted videos and the winner gets $100 – you can generate traffic in addition to other benefits.

Other ideas include getting your audience to help create your new logo, giving away copies of your latest product to the first 10 to tweet or reply, or celebrating the launch of a new service or anniversary – anything you can think of can be packaged into an awesome contest or freebie!

Advertise Your Brand

There are several advertising approaches to get your website and brand increased recognition, the simplest has been link exchanges and word-of-mouth. Most Solopreneurs favor paid methods such as Google's AdWords program. When visitors land on your website, or others, links or images appear in designated areas on these sites when particular keywords are used on search engines. This is an extremely effective way to increase traffic to your websites.

From the vendor's side (i.e. Google) it works like this: you bid (setup or offer) an amount that you will pay to be connected to a list of keywords used when folks search for topics. Depending on your bid and the maximum daily spending you specify (the largest amount of money you are willing pay for ads on any given day) your ad gets displayed. You're charged for each user who clicks on the ads sending them to your website. You can place some controls on this service so learn how to best use it to drive targeted traffic to your brand.

List Your Website in Directories & Search Engines

With the vast amount of search engines and directories out there, you can list your website and increase your brand's exposure. Some charge a fee while others are completely free. Each directory and search engine may have their own set of requirements, so read and follow them, so your links will be accepted.

The important thing to remember is to go through each one personally and optimize the content you supply. Share the best of your content to make it easier for folks to want to follow you! This way you can ensure the listing provides the best engagement for your site by drawing in your ideal audience.

Be Helpful in Forums & On Other Blogs

Just like posting articles, using forums and blog posts to promote your website is a good way to get your website address out there before the public. With these methods, you would add one tasteful link to your signature so that when you post his link would display below your comments.

Be mindful: you're on someone else's territory, so be respectful. Read any notices they may post regarding forum or blog signatures and what is allowed. This shows that you not only came to be helpful to their audience, but you respect their rules in their sandbox. The same as you would expect others to do once they are in your sandbox!

Request Reviews: Magazines, Ezines, and Fellow Solopreneurs

Multiple websites have a link or rating page where they request feedback and suggestions from their audience. Why not do the same for  your brand and its content? Doing so will often not only gather additional interest and visibility but making requests can help you to tweak your site and improve it to better meet the needs of your visitors.

If you have a new product or service, let your fellow Soloprenerus try it out. Perhaps also offer a trial service or Beta access to Ezine and Magazine authors, and Bloggers. Let them test your latest creation in exchange for reviews. Now, it never looks good if you try to trade products and services for “5-Star Reviews”, so be prepared that folks may not like what you've produced.

That's actually a great thing. Sometimes improving engagement with our website is as simple as asking for reviews and feedback. That's how many successful online brands are able to capture awesome customer experiences. They asked for feedback.

Don't get trapped behind a monitor. Reach out and ask for reviews and feedback.

Social Media Heaven

Social media is often overlooked when Solopreneurs consider finding ways to draw attention back to their websites. Fortunately for us, tools like HootSuite, Buffer, and UberSocial allow Solopreneurs to schedule out a bulk of posts some time out into their Editorial calendars. However, don't schedule too far in advance. Things might change such as devastating events or the news can become outdated or irrelevant to your brand and industry.

I, too, have been guilty of this. Ignoring my social media connections because as a Solopreneur, I have been pushing other aspects of my business. However, when I'm on my game, I set up social media posts that go out throughout the day for over one to two-week periods of time. These posts either share links to other people's websites or back to my own articles, products, and services.

I try not to schedule beyond two weeks in advance only because, as I've said, the news can become outdated. If you insist on spreading articles that far in advance, then make sure the information is evergreen and valuable.

Continuous Improvement: The Key to Sustainable Growth

In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, complacency is the enemy of progress. To stay ahead of the curve and maintain a competitive edge, it's crucial to adopt a mindset of continuous improvement. Regularly monitor your website analytics, solicit feedback from users, and iterate on your strategies based on market trends and consumer insights. By embracing a culture of experimentation and adaptation, you can optimize your website for success and ensure long-term growth and profitability.

The Rundown

Transforming your website from a digital ghost town to a bustling hub of activity requires patience, persistence, and strategic planning. By diagnosing the root causes of your low traffic, refining your SEO strategy, exploring alternative traffic generation tactics, and committing to continuous improvement, you can unlock the full potential of your website and attract high-quality traffic that drives meaningful results for your business.

Ready to supercharge your website traffic and propel your business to new heights? Don't let subpar traffic hold you back from achieving your goals. Implement the strategies outlined in this article and watch as your website becomes a magnet for engaged visitors and satisfied customers. The journey to success starts with a single step – are you ready to take yours?

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