facebook My Why: Enter The Brand Misfit™️ in the Scene | Bklyn Custom Designs™

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My Why: Enter The Brand Misfit™️ in the Scene

updated 2024-10-05
My journey to becoming The Brand Misfit℠ has been a challenging yet rewarding experience. I want to encourage you to embrace your own journey and to understand that you are not alone in your journey. Learn more about me.
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Never thought of myself as “good at sales” or “a closer.” Didn't even know what those looked like.

Oh, and you better believe I dipped & dodged the majority of “networking events” I was invited to because they were cliquish and/or were at dark lounges with overpowering music so folks were yelling over each other.

I’ve always been a Reluctant Entrepreneur & a Pro-Behind-the-Scenes Chick.

I never thought that I had a unique story to tell or that I had the ability to inspire others. But, that is exactly what I find myself doing – weekly now. Using my story to help others embrace their own journey and to understand that they are not alone; or weird.

I had to get comfortable being uncomfortable in understanding & accepting the assignment given to me while embracing my vulnerability to be The Brand Misfit™.

As I grew older, I realized that being different wasn't always a good thing. It led me to make some very bad decisions, and it almost cost me everything that I had. But through it all, I learned something valuable – being different doesn't mean that you're flawed. It just means that you're unique. And that's something that I am proud of.

Eventually, I realized that I could be The Brand Misfit™ that the world was looking for. I could be the person that bucks the trend and breaks the rules. I could be the person that people can't help but admire. And I could do it by embracing my vulnerability. I started my journey by admitting that I was struggling and that I wasn't perfect. I admitted that I was human and that I was going to make mistakes. But I was also determined to be the best that I could be. I was ready to face the challenges head-on and to accept my assignment.

I know that there are people out there that are going to judge me for my journey and that they are going to say that I am wrong for doing what I am doing. But that doesn't bother me. I know that I am doing what is best for me, and that is what matters the most. I am proud to be The Brand Misfit™, and I am ready to fight for what is right.

Launching Bklyn Custom Designs™

There are many reasons why I decided to start my business. I wanted to create something that I was passionate about and that would make a difference in the lives of others. I had to learn what it meant to be my own boss and control my own destiny.

When I launched Bklyn Custom Designs™ I wasn't sure where I would go with it. I was thinking current & for the day instead of long-term and for a legacy. I wasn't even aware of the Brand Misfit™ yet.

The moment I knew I needed to launch my business it was because of witnessing amazing Black small businesswomen who remained “unseen” and were putting in so much of their energy into building their visibility without including technology into their strategies. They barely had an online presence. 

To see so many women in business for almost two decades and yet struggled to be visible was heartbreaking. It was unnecessary for them to be left in the shadows. The common denominator? They had no website; a weak website; or no game plan beyond the immediate moment in time.

That's when I knew things had to change, and I had to be a catalyst.

Finding the courage to Recognize & Embrace The Brand Misfit™

However, for many years, I hid this part of my identity. I was scared of what others would think of me, especially since I wasn’t living up to their expectations. Shyt, I had my own expectations to live up to let alone figuring out how to show up to what others wanted.

I was scared of being judged for being The Brand Misfit™, of not being good enough, of not being perfect. And I was scared of what others would think of my business & me as The Brand Misfit™.

But then, something happened.

I started my business, and it was everything that I had always dreamed of. I was able to make a living doing what I love, and I was able to help other people in the process. But even more than that, I was able to embrace my true identity. I was able to be myself, and I was able to be successful.

And that’s why I started my journey. That's why I embraced becoming the Brand Misfit™

To show others that it’s okay to be themselves and that it’s okay to be successful.

To show others that it’s okay to be vulnerable and that it’s okay to be imperfect.

And to show others that it’s okay to be a Misfit in your space.

I'm still nervous about certain aspects of my business, but fear couldn't be the reason I didn't try & be part of a support system for those who needed my services & help.

My journey to becoming The Brand Misfit™ wasn’t easy. It required a lot of courage and determination. I had to accept that I was different and that there was no one else out there like me. I had to be willing to be vulnerable and share my story with the world.

Enter the Brand Misfit™ Charlene Brown of Bklyn Custom Designs

Enter The Brand Misfit™

To say the last two years have been a game changer is an understatement. I met some great people and experienced new opportunities and new strategies.

Enter The Brand Misfit™. Bussin' all through the front doors!

More focused & solidified in purpose.

Clarifying why & how website strategies take a business to a brand and a brand to a legacy is an ongoing journey & one that I had to admit I was already on.

When I think about what makes me The Brand Misfit™ it is my willingness to embrace my vulnerability and my story. I want to help my fellow Brand Misfits™ understand that you are not alone, and you can make a difference in the world through your purpose, mission, & story. I want to be an example of how you too can stand out and become a valued constant to your audience all while controlling the destiny of your business & brand through well-developed website strategies.

The Rundown

My journey to becoming The Brand Misfit™ has been a challenging yet rewarding experience. I want to encourage you to embrace your own journey and to understand that you are not alone in your journey.

There isn't a one-way only position in anyone's journey. They are all meant to be learning experiences.

Not only is my assignment firmly understood; I'm prepared to break some rules & create my own path all while helping my fellow Brand Misfits™ do the same. Learn how you too can build your visibility and keep the momentum growing steadily on your own terms through your own digital marketing powerhouse platform — your website.

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the brand misfit™
Charlene Brown,
The Brand Misfit™ here!
Through my A.M.P. Your Strategy Method™ my clients walk away with brand & site clarity for intentional direction so they take immediate action.
Quick Stats:

• 2+ decades in Tech Life
• 2 decades with WordPress
• MBA in IT Org
• PhD Candidate in Tech Mgmt & Implementation
• Best-selling author
• Agile-Ready

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