facebook Social Love Fest: Grow Your List With Pinterest | Bklyn Custom Designs™

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Social Love Fest: Grow Your List With Pinterest

updated 2022-01-06
Today we’re diving into another way of leveraging Social Media to grow our list. The reasoning behind this is simple. You can easily find your ideal target audience on social media, get in front of them and then get them on your list.
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Today we’re diving into another way of leveraging Social Media to grow our list. The reasoning behind this is simple. You can easily find your ideal target audience on social media, get in front of them and then get them on your list.

While this works with any social media platform, today we’ll focus on Pinterest. For many of us – particularly those of us whose target audience is primarily made up of women, Pinterest can be a great source of traffic.

The Advantage of Pinterest

As it’s fairly different from other social media sites and we’re mostly dealing with image content, I thought it would be worth spending a little bit of time chatting about growing your list with Pinterest. One reason this can work well for you is because the brain can process an image much faster than text (as much as 500 times faster).

With Pinterest then, you could potentially have more chances to get in front of your audience. At the same time, you have a lot less time to grab their attention.

Keep that in mind as you make your pin-able images. Use strong pictures that tell a story and include an attention-grabbing headline on the image. You also need a strong call to action either in the image itself or in the description that shows below each pin.

Get Active On Pinterest: Focus & Gain Board Followers

Pinterest like all social media platforms is about connecting with other people who will then naturally share your pins. You won’t get anywhere without getting active, interacting and building your own little circle of influence first. Sign up for your Pinterest account, set up your profile and then start pinning away. Pin other people’s posts for the most part with a few of your own here and there sprinkled in. Follow other people and comment on their pins.

That’s how you grow. Keep doing this and over time your Pins will start to get more and more traction (and thus traffic and subscribers).

Pin Your Opt-In Pages Regularly

pageTo grow your list with Pinterest, you’re going to want to pin your opt-in page or pages regularly. Come up with a series of images that will work well for your list and what you have to offer. Then add different headlines and calls to action for each of your images.

It helps to focus on different benefits of signing up for your list and targeting different subsets of your overall target audience with this. Not every benefit will speak to each potential subscriber.

Mix it up and then get in the habit of cycling through these images and pinning them regularly. You could even come up with different sets of images based on seasons, holidays, or special events.

Pin Popular Posts That Have Great Opt-In Offers

Let’s wrap this up with my favorite way of using Pinterest to grow my lists. We’ve talked in past posts about setting adding opt-in forms and offers into or at the end of blog posts. Make a list of the ones you have set up already and start pinning those. As you get more traffic to those blog posts, your list size will also begin to increase.

The reason this is my favorite is because it’s so easy to scale up. You can make it a habit of writing one new blog article per week with the main purpose being growing your list. Then you pin that post and add it to your rotation of images to pin. Keep adding more articles, more pins, and watch your list grow.

The Rundown

Pinterest doesn't have to be difficult. Coming up with images isn't as difficult as most of us make it out to be. Pinterest makes it easy to share other people's content on your own boards to help you draw connections with other Pinners. Use this option often as you also grow your specialized boards based on your own website and business. Together these techniques will help you build an engaged list and your brand!

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